“Abjection: what disturbs identity, system, order. What does not respect borders, position, rules.

    FRIDAY 2 November 2007
    JUNKO & MATTIN (Junko from HIJOKAIDAN, duo release party, LP on TOCHNIT ALEPH )
    " " [sic] GOLDIE ("ABJECTOR" [sic] release party, double debut cd on hibari music & w.m.o/r !!!)
    dj: floccinaucinihilipilification
    Ausland, lychener str 60 | 10437 s- & u-bahn schönhauser allee
    5 EURO
    SATURDAY 3 November 2007
    TAKU UNAMI (release party of his new MALIGNITAT cd on skiti records)
    JUNKO (acoustic solo voice)
    ZAA, Marienburger Str. 47, Prenzlauer Berg
    5 EURO
    MONDAY 5 November 2007
    TAKU UNAMI & MATTIN (Tokyo/Berlin)
    Presentation of their new cd “Attention” out on hibari music and w.m.o/r.
    Improvisation in the form of interrogation.
    Kule, Auguststrasse 10, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
    5 EURO


    " " [sic] GOLDIE (London)
    The most avant-garde drummer that I know,
    the one that is able to push things until you do not what the fuck is going on.
    There is only one thing clear with " " [sic] GOLDIE, and that he is going for ABJECTION in its purest form.
    Tonight he will be presenting his debut double cd “ABJECTOR” [sic], that will come out that night on hibari music/w.m.o/r.
    Repelling, rejecting; repelling itself, rejecting itself. Ab-jecting.


    JUNKO & MATTIN (Osaka/Berlin)
    Junko & Mattin are just about to release an LP in TOCHNIT-ALEPH after their PINKNOISE cd, and this will
    be their last gig from a tour with Michel Henritzi. Junko's voice with make you realize that there is no much in between your left and your right ear, and if there is this music will get rid of it.

    One half of WHITEHOUSE,
    His delivery of vocals are getting stronger and stronger, and his music...
    we all know he is a genius and a lovely human being!!!

    SLITHER (Michigan, USA)
    SICK LLAMA + another artist
    "the best dude in "noise" right now.... total fucking braindead, too burnt out to even get high anymore type noise.... “Maim & Disfigure.
    SICK LLAMA have just released an LP on Aaron Dilliway's label Hanson.

    SIXES (Oakland, USA)
    Nothing but a bloodied trail of live miasma can peice together a 15+yr hellish trainwreck. Dating back somewhere around the late 80's under the nom de guerre, AZOG, years of venomous scum electronics thrust upon the west coast underground denizen were greeted with aversion.

    First ever collaboration from Whitehouse member Philp Best and the abject band
    DEFLAG HAEMORRHAGE / HAIEN KONTRA. Anything can happen!

    Taku Unami (Tokyo)
    Head of the hibari label, and always trying to push the logic of improvised music to the next level, sometimes you might think is humor, others you are just too normal to understand it. Unami will be presenting his last solo “Malignitat” that just came out in skiti records (Japan).

    Junko (Osaka)
    The vocalist/singer/screamer from the king of noise band HIJOKAIDAN,
    will be doing her first acoustic solo performance.
    Horror and desperation is the most beautiful form ever.

    *Adapted from Julia Kristeva's essay "Approaching Abjection".

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  2. It became apparent to me over the weekend that i have spent a rather unhealthy amount time this year listening to rather mournful, acid sprayed concept dirges from the classic period of kraut/psych whatnot. Three of these albums are ones i find myself returning to on a regular basis as they seem most attuned to 'work' within many contexts, moods and moments. I want these 3 recordings on vinyl. Originals are way beyond my means and as any re-issues are long out of print, I am making a meek request for one of the these cashed up re-issue labels to get cracking on unleashing these once more, replete with nice thick pressings, sympathetic remastering, gourmet gatefold sleeves etc...

    Erm, Thank you very much.

    Sand 'Golem'
    NB: This one was re-issued by United Dairies in the 1990's as a 2cd with loads of demos, bonus tracks etc... David Tibet and Steven Stapleton were behind this move which when one hears the cd makes total sense as it is really a showacase for their individual aesthetics wrapped into one neat-o musical block concocted in a very different time in a very different place.
    oh and 'Sarah' would have to be the creepiest darn paean to a lady our ears ever did hear!

    Alagarnas Tradgard 'Framtiden är ett Svävande Skepp, Förankrat i Forntiden'
    Alchemical Swedish long-hairs take on a ridiculous range of musical styles and pop out the other side with an infinately pleasurable result. Medievil concrete anyone?

    Dom 'Edge of Time'
    Just killer. I remember bonding with my pal Julian Williams from the Hi-God People over this one. He is a man of fine taste and like moi, cynical to the bone, but we both agree this is a captain pablo pearler. One which moves me everytime despite the somewhat cornball lyrical suggestions and the irrefutably hideous bonus tracks that came with the cd re-issue some years back.

    Note: All of these records can be easily downloaded from Mutant Sounds or any other blogs of this ilk which i will put links to on the side pronto. Oh and speaking of the side, I now have a clock. I like the clock. Nice clock.

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  3. (with respect to michel leris)

    Thursday afternoon:

    * i was offered full time work for good pay. This was nice as perpetual poverty whilst momentarily exciting for 'living on the edge' (man) eventually becomes a rather frightening prospect, especially in this gawdforesaken capital with a K. I asked for a 6 mths work contract. We will see. My boss is top. A good guy and a top boss. He is worried as most Australian's just want to go on holidays around Europe all the time. I told him i will foresake such adventures during Winter in order to take full advantage next Summer.

    Thursday Evening:

    * I went and saw Hecker and Haswell do their UPIC diffusion number. I was curious for 3 reasons:

    a) I think Hecker is one of the, if not the most interesting computer music human's today. At the point when every single computer music release started to become generic, stale and easily calculable, Hecker was exploring further and further the physical properties of 'sound' itself, just how far one can go to discover new sounds with absolutely scant regard to music of any familiar shape or form, including most 20th Century electronic bizzaro bizzo. (with the exception of Xenakis, ofm course). Back in M.Town some years back we had talks and performance's by Daniel Terrugi, he who looks after the GRM nowadays. This was fine as a historical overview but when it came to presenting his works 'today' they were as bland as the many Fennesz rip-offs that came in the wake of 'Endless Summer'. Every sound, every gesture could be predicted long in advance and the whole experience was one that gives this kind of academic abstraction a terrible name.

    Hecker has recently gone on to be caught up in the gallery world, had a release with Haswell this year on Warner Classics (just like the glory days of European avant garde!) along with a solo cd on Rephlex.

    Other reasons I was curious to see this show being:

    UPIC! The UPIC system was designed by Iannis Xenakis (or as the Herald Sun recently called him, Iannis Yannis!!). Anyone who knows us from a grain of popcorn, can attest that we are rabid Xenakis fans with particular admiration for his electronic works which still rank as our favourite out/fugged/spiral/acid concoctions ever made with e-lick-tricty. Le Legende d'er still ranks as our favourite single work made for electronics.

    Final reason being the use of laser within this show. As our record label once released a DVD by Robin Fox who has since gone on to include real time laser action
    into his electronic extravaganca, I was keen and curious to check out the 'competition'.

    So - how was the show? Well, it was a Multi Speaker diffusion just like the French bods. A killer PA - H+H lurched behind mixing desk in centre of the room, doing live mixing, engineering of various pre-recorded works. The result? A mixed affair, some subtle, slow building, but not much, for the most part it was out and out sonic mayhem. To be expected from these cats for sure, but wilder than I had encountered before. There was punk/metal gesturing from Haswell which i can do without but for the most part it was pretty head blowing sonics which made our body shake, our mind confused and our ears hurt - THIS WAS ALL FINE AND GREAT! Not all of it was spot on, the mixing of individual pieces was a bit sloppy. But when they were on, it was some of the most hardcore fugged up sonics i have ever heard in a live context. Hecker and Haswell straddling the line between the intense sonic exploration of so called 'academia' and the harsh cold brutality of punk/industrial is a total hoot. Check it out sometime. As a warning do go on a third date to a gig of this nature as a pal o mine did. Sure you can all guess what happened there.

    With regards to the laser. It was token, it was not synchronised, merely a back drop which came off as a slightly more advanced club VJ set. Dissapointing but good to know the Fox is kicking the assests in this dept.

    Panasonic played next but i missed most of this due to actions which lead to the following grand action.

    Thursday Night:

    * I vomited on the #55 bus back home. Disgusting!
    My friend told me it was only wine and actually smelt rather sweet. Am i not to feel as low anymore? Ye gods!

    Friday Afternoon:

    * I told my immediate boss when she was getting super frustrated with one of her clients that she should write an email to "vent her spleen". She looked at me deadpan and exclaimed - "I no longer have a spleen, it was removed when i was a teenager". Like my big boss, this boss is also top! I felt like "dr goosy goose goes to work" i must say. Then again, i did not even know people could actually have their spleen removed. I was too frightened to ask any further questions.

    Friday Night:

    * I saw Glen Branca do his 80 guitar thing (as opposed to 100 guitars as advertised) - I mean who's counting! For all i knew (or cared) it could have been 40 gui-fucking-tars. Some really stunning moments, but overall i was bored and restless (see end result of previous nights activities). I had trouble watching Branca wave his magic wand but when i come to think of it i am weary of anyone waving a magic wand. Suffice to say, all my pals thought highly of the performance even Mr Harper who said it was far superior to the Rhys Chatham performance he had witnessed over this way. So there.

    Sat Night:

    * I took mdma for the first time on sat night. Twas a last minute "let's leave the house for one drink" scenario that ended up in a decadent yoswer for many hours to follow. Everyone felt warm and cosey, I felt introverted and melancholic. It was fine, but i did think of things that had not entered thy noggin for a long long time.

    Sunday Night:

    * I saw "Simon and the Radioactive Flesh" as re-cut by Mark aerial Waller. Basically the original Bunuel film "Simon of the desert" re-cut with contemporary video art pieces whenever the 'devil' comes along to taunt and tease Simon. The overall work was kinda ho diddly hum (with the exception of the last video filming a small party in a london house, utilising only a very slow frame rate strobe to highlight the 'performers' along with slightly slowed down footage and a descending electronic tone). But it did remind me what a killer film Simon of the Desert is - A right hoot indeed!

    I hereby conclude this weeks high's and lows of london. Good fun.

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  6. Much has been written about Scott Walker, moreso in the last 12 mths since the release of 'The Drift' and the film '30th Century Man'. Of course Scott's recent bag is not everyone's cuppa and i am confident in saying that 99%+ of earth bound humans have zero desire to dip their toes in his warbling and brooding pond. I get obsessive sometimes but rarely to the level i have found myself following the release of "The Drift". It is THE record of the last 7 years, the one i always return to, the one i always enjoy and for me it has made my listening life most content.

    From our end, he seems to have 'put all the pieces' together in such an incomprehensible way. I had a pal from berlin over on the weekend and she was lamenting the lack of anything fresh in her local scene. The point being that there is well established rules and parameters even with the most radical of players, that many of the shows come across somewhat formulaic and certainly predictable. We had this discussion whilst listening to the new cd release of Mr Engel's music for the CandoCo Dance Company. It did cross our minds that the recent work of Mr Walker stands so far away from the experimental whole simply as the trajectory of his career has been a most unusual one indeed. Qithout this could he have come up with this, if he spent his whole life involved with experimental/abstract music would he have still come up with this?

    As i said all this has been spoken of infinitum, this is not a forum for me to repeat what can easily be found elsewhere.

    The Drift fucked with me personally (in the best way possible). I am pretty fussy when it comes to music today, sure, i get excited now and then, but i am currently sitting in the camp that the enourmous growth in music production in this digital age not only increases the amount of average releases, but actually brings down the quality of good releases, the trickle down theory of knobbed up trots!

    3/4 had been eliminated (and that whole Italian 'scene'), Kemialliset Ystvat (and offshoots), The Skaters (and offshoots), and quite a few other bods are acts i would cite which spark enthusiasm and general pleasure, many Australian acts butter my crumpet, sure, but i just can't deal with all the metal/pscyh/folk referances, delay pedal drone, psych this, doom that, graphic design 'evil' etc, etc. All the generic photocopies made by craniums too young to have been 'touched' by the original and therefore remain citing the influenced. As the years go by, each generation of noodle stew seems yet another further step from 'spark' or even 'magic' (welcome old jaded mofo) !

    But the Drift is above and beyond for me. It's a cracker musical nightmare, a radio play?, greek tragedy?, a general what the? all this meets good time sonic edginess and even a few gaffaws. After endless plays i am still suprised this actually exists. Love him or take the piss, he remains a super fine goog in our books.

    Post "Drift" has been a fairly productive period for Scott Walker. A rather frightening contribution to the "Plague songs" compilation, a strange, hysterical call and response number called "Darkness" appeared later last year and now this new jobbie which was released to the masses yesterday. As it was coming out on cd I did actually contemplate skipping the dance production it was designed to accompany, despite the fact that there was only going to be 2 shows in London and a couple elsewhere in the UK. Well, cats and kittens I am very glad I flipped out of this momentary lapse of stupidity.

    As those interested will soon find out - the new work is scored for a small ensemble of strings, percussion, sax, flute and electronics. It has a very different feeling again, not falling back on the dark sonic mass of The Drift or the outa nowhere sharp shocked Hollercapela of 'Darkness'. This is a more overtly dynamic, spacious and even a 'romantic'work, incorporating a range of stylistic moments from the somewhat musical through to overwhelming abstraction (i think it is mojo magazine that refered to it as "the viennesse school via merzbow"). It's most definately a later day work by Walker and if you dig his schtick up till now yr gonna flip ya bones and remain be a happy chappy when this number is devoured over and over. Despite having a different feeling, mood, approach and timbre than The Drift, this slips in well amongst recent works, the albums of course but also the work he did for the Pola X soundtrack and the 2 absolute cracker tracks that he wrote for Ute Lemper.

    Live, you may ask?

    Well, as it turns out, this was about as close to live as Mr Walker has been for many moons. The set up for this work as a live component comprised of 4 double bass players at the back of the stage and 1 chap conducting these cats. The rest was all playback including all electronics, drums, brass etc... The dancers did their thing in front of these players in a dark sparse environment. It started as it does on the release (all the music followed the cd 100%) with sub bass electronics, sharp flourescent lighting cutting through the darkness on stage, this being syncronised with the stabs of sound in part 1. From this point in it was really a music dominated event. The sound was loud, the range was vast, the dynamics intense. The dancing was often great, especially the combination of those in a wheelchair with the 'abled' dancers, some pretty flipped shit, it was a busy, busy stage let me tell you. Less in yr standard modern dancy biz, more like the harlem globetrotters if they wore tight pants and flapped around to atonality as opposed to popping fancy hoops too an (admitedly) catchy whistle blown toon. And so it was, new Scott Walker music being performed 'live' - exciting for a geek like me!

    This would have been enough if the good lady by my side had not pointed out mid way that in fact Scott was standing at the back of the room behind the mixing desk 'conducting' the mixer with regards to amplified playback of the musicians and the playback of pre-recorded electronics, other instrumentation etc. Yes, he had baseball cap on and after recent press shots and film footage this was undoubtedly our main man. The best part of all was the ridiculous amount of enthusiam he had going on. His gestures to get Mr Mixer to increase the volume were excitable in the extreme, when the digital noise followed by the bells came in, he was punching his fists in the air (wolf eyes style!) he was really enthusiastic, he was loosing it! loosing himself in his own sonic mileau! It was hard not too really, the sound was ridiculously good in the Queen Elizabeth Hall and given the live component and intense nature of most of the later half of this work, well, it was pretty overwhelming stuff for all of us. For Scott to hear his own new work played in this fashion would have been a buzz for the boy, moreso maybe as it does not have the baggage of a new Scott Walker record 'proper' as such. Most of the audience did seem to be dance fans (and dance students, loads of students), a few music heads for sure, but the bulk were dance and this alone would have provided a more relaxed scenario to turn up and oversee all this business, without the lickers, spotters and bloggers (!) turning up in droves.

    Scott has been threatening a return to stage 'proper' for quite awhile now and given that this evening actually occurred to this degree points to a scenario whereby this may very well happen one day...

    Thanks London, you are kind to us sometimes, especially this week. Good Times indeed!!

    Scott Walker - And Who Shall Go To The Ball? And What Shall Go To The Ball?

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