Too many exciting musical artifacts have come my way and satisfied my lobes of late - here's a brief summary of the gold sauce:
Graham Lambkin 'Salmon Run' : CD
I really have trouble saying things about this super wonderful disc. Suffice to say, it is by far the most interesting and exciting'experimental' release of recent memory. Part Melancholy, Part Collage, Part Mockery, Part 'Hauntology'- this is just the shining ducks nuts in an ocean of limp doom and self satisfied improv. Opera, Field Recordings, Concrete Poetry and the act of listening are all edited together in a way that convinces you none of these forms existed in the first place.
Here, Here Mr Lambkin, hold that Tofu baton high.
Just get this cd - all of you!! I got mine direct and along with this (pressed up, 'proper') disc i was sent a book of poetry with cdr - friendly capitalism lives!!
Counting the days till the duo with Jason Lescalleet. Future.
Flaming Tunes : cassette
Whereby former This Heat member Gareth Williams hops over to India (he later co-wrote the 'Rough Guide to India') with his lady Mary Currie and records this cassette only sucker released in 1985. This Heat was no more at this point and well history makes em sparkle as a result. This is mellow songs, field recordings etc ... kinda lo-fi, less agressive and more personal then the 'Heat' - it's wonderful. Truly. The cat could write ditties and has a weird melancholic art meets song vibe of early Robert Wyatt, Bobb Trimble, etc...
...And what the hoopla - there's a video clip for one of the songs! Cassette only release with a video clip - go kids go!
I.D Company LP
I mentioned this in the last post. It's a strange record. i had the first track on a mix cd that someone (dawg?) did for me before i left the golden plains for concrete drains. An amazing track - modular in design it runs through sly style soul into indian breakdown tabla and dr john style voodoo whoopin! I had no idea who made this track until i found i had the whole thing on my computer via a download from the ever killer Mutant Sounds blog. As it turns out it's a freaking 'krautrock' record and has nothing to do with San Francisco black power funk!! The singer is German and god damn if tracks 2 and 3 are't totally perplexing also in the kraut-soul crossover vibe. The rest of the record has neat parts but the first 3 alone rank this as one of the most peculiar (best) Krautrock gems i have had the pleasure of devouring of late. Oh and this lp is split with a different singer on each side - the flip featuring a young pre-Slapp Happy Dagmar Krause!
We laugh and rejoice the curves that introduce themselves.
Jim Knox 'Mystery Mix' : CDR
James Knox is one of my oldest pals in this world of tickled colour and sonic charms. Hell! we met on a street Corner back in thems wacky 90's when i managed to steal some of his mangy doubloon's in exchange for a 'Caroliner Rainbow' lp! This week, said bod of colourful composition sent me a killer package of assorted sods which made my Tuesday a Friday and had my co-wage slaves lamenting their friends lack of zest!!
Amongst some Red Raven animated records, a Hungarian/Polish gift card with flexi disc top of a purty flower picture AND a poster for Vera Chytilova's "Hra o jablko" (Apple Game, 1976) was a cdr with the text 'mystery mix' on it. A few hours later we bung it on the stereo at work and within tracks, heads roll, bones flip and noggins burn. The shit's total killer. I know little of this selection, but amongst assorted comic concrete horror escapades is the likes of French Pop, Turkish Psych, Hungarian what tha? Jello Biafra's band Lard, The Scientists, The Fall and a hilarious cut up of Frank Sinatra flying planes into towers whilst he embraces death and starts to melt.
Mano o Mammy it's total fugdom with a unique stamp that is absolute Dr Knox!
This will rise again. It must, simply.
When i get my very own computer i will add tracks when i rant like this - in the meantime let the text remain.1View comments
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Note written in the inside cover of a £2 Second Hand Book purchased in charity shop in Highgate yesterday:
Paul Cronin -
To get to heaven you
have to crawl
through satan's
Good Luck -
(indecipherable signature)0Add a comment
Who'd have thought
that snow falls
it always circled whirling
like a thought
in the glass ball
around me and my bear
Then it seemed beautiful
snow whirled
nothing ever fell
nor my little bear
bad thoughts
imprisoned in crystal
beauty has replaced itself with evil
And the snow whirls only
in fatal winds
then falls
it always loathed containment
I love evil
So it was that on Monday morning after a night drinking with Matt, Pia, Rohan and Max I awoke with a numb face. I could not feel anything on my left side of my face. A very strange feeling i can assure you. I tell Pia, I can't feel my face. I tell Julie, I can't feel my face. Julie says i do not look 100% - I pretend it's ok, leave house to go to work, buy cigarette's, place one in mouth and realise the position of the cigerrette as is usually the case is no longer possible. I also picked up pomengrante juice and whilst sipping on this i dribble some from the left side of my mouth. I realise at this point that something very unusual is going on. I re-enter the house, unsure what to do. Julie demands that i do not go to work, I feel i have too as i missed my Saturday shift due to getting too schmozed on Friday night. I will check in at work then go to Doctor. Negotiating the transport to work is fine expect i cannot read my book as normal and the idea of listening to music is the last thing on my mind. I get to work and and i tell boss man that i feel weird, he says i do not look right and to go to the 'walk in centre' accross the road from the park nearby.
I do this.
After a brief inspection by nurse she tells me I have to go to the hospital immediately. To be frank, i have not even seen a doctor for 8 years or so. I am hopeless in this regard and for what it's worth despite my endless attempts to destroy myself i have had a pretty fine bill of health over this period. Hospital? What? Well, as my father once had a stroke, my sister has Multiple Scerosis and my Grandfather had Parkinsons Disease I thought I had better get this sorted out pronto.
Entering the hospital the first thing i see is a poster with a check list of warning signs gauging whether one has suffered a stroke. I am able to check a few of these boxes and subsequently 'freak out'. It takes too long to see a doctor who was nice enough but somewhat inept also (the national health service here feels like those budget hairdressers for folks in training sometimes). After numerous tests on various parts of my face; move eyes, move tongue, pinch skin "can you feel this" etc... (the most heart trembling of which was testing my eyesight, which normally rules like no other part of my bod, but in this case, my left eye failes me wonderfully, a heart skipper indeed) the doctor walks out again and for the third time that day i fall asleep. I think 20 mins passes before the Doctor comes back and diagnoses me with 'Bell's Palsy'.
I had never heard of Bell's Palsy before, but it's a rather curious infliction indeed. The source of this is still (like many neurolological ailments) unclear, the cause can be either related to dormant chicken pox, stress or various other theories.
The results for me personally are:
The left hand side of my face does not move
I cannot close my left eye
I have lost aprox 30% vision in my left eye
I have lost substantial hearing in my left ear
I have a mild 'pressure' sensation in my left ear
I cannot taste food
I have a weird chemical taste in my mouth most of the day
My speech is somewhat slurred
and, my favourite,
I cannot pronounce the letters B or P ! (apparently common to folks that get BP - I love the irony that the 2 letter's one looses the ability to prounounce are the initials of the actual affliction !).
On the flip, I should have a full recovery in weeks, or maybe months as the damaged nerve which caused this in the first place re-grows and full vison, hearing and facial 'balance' is re-stored.
In the meantime it's eye drop city, explanation nation and general mark meet the new mark kind of scenario.
Yes, I am good in good company, Katie Holmes and George Clooney have both been through this. Good looking people, talented people. smart people. People's people with flipped lips and dribbled bits!
Suffice to say, this was quite a way to start the week. I was in hospital most of Monday and then had to prepare for my first lecture at St Martin's on Tuesday. The lecture went very well as it turned out with the students ignoring me holding the left side of the mouth for most of the talk and engaging quite thoroughly with the various topics raised through an exploration of the themes, references contained within the work of British 'noise' act Whitehouse.
Wonderful, Wonderful Times indeed.
I am getting used to all this but having had 2 dj sets this week it I found it incredibly difficult to communicate to people that i had not met before. Iwill stick to my pals for now and for what it's worth a big shout out to Pia, Julie, Costas and Diego for being truly wonderful about all this, treating me like a human, hanging shit on my current condition and generally making me feel more human than simpy a new born weirdo!5View comments
I am presenting three 2 hour lecture's at St Martins college Clerkenwell campus based around the theme of 'Shock and Controversy in Contemporary Culture'.
Tuesday 12th Feb 10:30
MUSIC: Focussing on the development of the Power Electronics genre following on from the 'industrial music' seed planted by Throbbing Gristle. A heavy focus on the entire output of British act Whitehouse incorporating themes such as The Avant Garde, Sonic (frequency) exploration, abstract and concrete music forms, Scientology security checks, Neuro-linguistic programming (in particluar Dark NLP), Speed Seduction, Internet forums, etc
Tuesday 19th Feb 10:30
FILM: Foccusing on the Political, Psycological, Pathological, Religious and Sociological aspects within the works of Pier Paolo Pasolini, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Vera Chytilová and Michael Haneke (incoporating the literature of Elfriede Jelinek).
Tuesday 26th Feb 10:30
ART: A focus on the exteme end of art in Post War Japan with a focus on Ero Guro and the historical works / events that informed this movement.0Add a comment
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