1. The title of this post links to a review I wrote on The Experimenta Program at The 51st London Film Festival which has just been published by the fine humans at Senses of Cinema. You can choose to follow this link and read it or simply ignore, maybe even moving on to 'next blog'. It's your choice kid.

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  2. Brazil, like Germany in the 60's and early 70's seems to be an inexhaustible resource of fine recordings. A pal was around last night and asked, why Brazil? I have no idea why the Brazlian scene was so fertile at this point. There is so much on offer that it can be an extremely overwhelming to unearth the jewels. Thankfully pals of mine throw rekids my way to assist with discovery. This record is by Mr Antonio 'Girl from Ipanema' Carlos Jobim and strike me twink if it ain't the warmest bossa pop orchestral selection I have encountered from the land o guns and coffee. Orchestration is by Claus Ogerman whilst paying more than a large debt to the less bombastic work of 'classic' period Stravinksy is a fine addition to the deceiving pop gems. The 1st track 'Aguas De Marco' is repeated at the end as 'Waters of March', the English language version, unveiling a roll call of social injustice subverting the impression of beaches, warmth and heck, girls from Ipanema! In between these 2 gems the most grand Brazilian orchestral pop appears which despite it's vintage, manages to avoids the familiar acid drenched hysteria of the classic Tropicalia action. Weird time signatures and orchestral movements sit amongst bossa poppa which stayed on the player where I am currently staying for 6 whole days. Wake up play, come home play, flip, play, cook, play, drink, play, sleep, play etc .... that's a new record for me in London. Mind you I can't seem to get the fancy pants i-tunes set up here to play through the wireless speakers so being a lazy mofo this also worked in my obsessive listening scenario to Mr Jobim's might dandy 'Jobim' LP.

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