1. The very first entry on this blog which was basically a means of testing the waters, featured a pretty simple post on Czech composer Zdeněk Liška and in particular a picture i found online of his house (!). Information about this composer was (and still remains) miniscule at best.

    Look, it's simple, I love my Morricone, Roto Rules, Komeda kills me, a high five for Hermann and Toru, my man, Takemitsu, you are gold son, no doubt (at least in yr earlier years!). But, for sheer invention and inspiration, all of you go to the back of the bus when Zdeněk Liška is behind the wheel.

    As unexpected as it was for Liška buffs (for what it's worth until this week i knew of only of 2!) last week saw quite an buzz of activity in this startling microcosm of musical genius. Firstly, radio station of whopping reputation, WFMU, had a 1 hour show dedicated to Liška's music. Ergo Phizmiz put together a hyperactive collage of Liška's work, ripping most from dvd releases for his show Phuj Phactory. It's a good introduction and can be found here. Satisfied with this I continue with my routine only to get a mail yesterday from a chap based in London called Joe Walker. He informed me that he had just presented a radio show on this exceptional and neglected composer. I was perplexed and assumed this was the character that put together the Phuj Phactory show for WFMU. This was not the case. Joe had put together his own special on Liška. This one is quite simply, a work of foaming passion. Joe's a Liška freak bar none - he even went to visit the small town in which he was born in the Czech Republique (only to finder truckers and extreme alcoholism!). This show provides many short samples of Liška's output with significant insight into his working environment, relationships and technique. This baby can be found here (you may have to block pop up's and give it a few goes to source this one). I did say I would return to this subject matter at some point and I am pretty chuffed I managed to do so with such substantial content, despite the fact that neither show played anything from "Ovoce stromu rajskych jime" !

    Hat's off Joe - you have made my week!

    Zdeněk Liška:

    Datum narození: 16. března 1922
    Datum úmrtí: 13. července 1983

    Original film poster for "Obchod na korze"
    (The shop on Main Street) 1965



    Gemini (1991) .... archivní


    Kam zmizel kurýr (1981)
    Signum laudis (1980)


    Rukojmí v Bella Vista (1979)
    A poběžím až na kraj světa (1979)
    Smrť šitá na mieru (1979)
    Otrantský zámek (1979) (krátký)
    Silnější než strach (1978)
    Čekání na déšť (1978)
    Setkání v červenci (1978)
    Volání rodu (1977)
    Na Veliké řece (1977)
    Osada Havranů (1977)
    Stíny horkého léta (1977)
    Súkromná vojna (1977)
    Příběh lásky a cti (1977)
    Hodina pravdy (1977)
    Talíře nad Velkým Malíkovem (1977)
    Červené víno I., II. (1976) (TV)
    Osvobození Prahy (1976)
    Dým bramborové natě (1976)
    Smrt mouchy (1976)
    Malá mořská víla (1976)
    Odysseus a hvězdy (1976)
    Nevěsta s nejkrásnějšíma očima (1975)
    Horúčka (1975)
    Hudba kolonád (1975)
    Škaredá dedina (1975)
    Tak láska začíná... (1975)
    Plavení hříbat (1975)
    Sirius (1974)
    Sokolovo (1974)
    Kto odchádza v daždi (1974)
    Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně (1974)
    Robinsonka (1974)
    Do zbrane, kuruci! (1974)
    Pavlínka (1974)
    Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje (1974)
    Muž z Londýna (1974)
    Já a Bělovous Zrzunda (1974)
    Adam a Otka (1973)
    Tři nevinní (1973)
    Horká zima (1973)
    Pokus o vraždu (1973)
    Pověst o stříbrné jedli (1973)
    Známost sestry Aleny (1973)
    Láska (1973)
    Kronika žhavého léta (1973)
    Hriech Kataríny Padychovej (1973)
    Dny zrady I., II. (1973)
    Podezření (1972)
    Zpívající film (1972)
    L'alie polné (1972)
    Vlak do stanice Nebe (1972)
    Ukradená bitva (1972)
    O Sněhurce (1972)
    Orlie pierko (1971)
    Tajemství velikého vypravěče (1971)
    Dosť dobrí chlapi (1971)
    Smrt černého krále (1971)
    Kam slunce nechodí (1971) (TV)
    Sólo pro Jaroslava Marvana (1971)
    Hry lásky šálivé (1971)
    Vražda v hotelu Excelsior (1971)
    Hl'adači svetla (1971)
    Šance (1971)
    Pěnička a Paraplíčko (1971)
    Slávny pes (1971) (TV)
    A.C. Dupin zasahuje (1970) (TV)
    Partie krásného dragouna (1970)
    Zločin slečny Bacilpýšky (1970)
    Už zase skáču přes kaluže (1970)
    Pán si neželal nič (1970)
    Luk královny Dorotky (1970)
    Lišáci, Myšáci a Šibeničák (1970) (TV)
    Medená veža (1970)


    Vtáčkovia, siroty a blázni (1969)
    Ezop (1969)
    Touha zvaná Anada (1969)
    Ovoce stromů rajských jíme (1969)
    Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade (1969)
    Adelheid (1969) .... dramaturgie
    Král'ovská pol'ovačka (1969)
    Směšný pán (1969)
    Balada o siedmich obesených (1969) (TV)
    Pražské noci (1968) .... 1. Fabricius a Zuzana
    Pražské noci (1968) .... 2. Poslední Golem
    Pražské noci (1968) .... 4. Otrávená travička
    Spalovač mrtvol (1968)
    Čest a sláva (1968)
    Maratón (1968)
    Spravedlnost pro Selvina (1968) (TV)
    Niet inej cesty (1968)
    Hříšní lidé města pražského (1968) (TV seriál)
    Údolí včel (1967)
    Zmluva s diablom (1967)
    Útěk (1967)
    Marketa Lazarová (1967)
    Svatba jako řemen (1967)
    Tango pre medveďa (1967)
    Jiný malý princ (1967)
    Krotká (1967) (TV)
    Vražda po našem (1966)
    Poklad byzantského kupce (1966)
    Jeden deň pre starú paniu (1966)
    Lidé z maringotek (1966)
    Anděl blažené smrti (1966)
    Káťa a krokodýl (1965)
    Zločin v dívčí škole (1965) .... 1. Smrt na jehle
    Zvony pre bosých (1965)
    Obchod na korze (1965)
    Sběrné surovosti (1965)
    Bubny (1965)
    Světoběžníci (1965)
    Čintamani a podvodník (1964)
    Povídky o dětech (1964) .... 3. Kapr
    Obžalovaný (1964)
    Muzeum zázraků (1964)
    Trio Angelos (1964)
    Jak dělat podobiznu ptáka (1964)
    Tak blízko u nebe (1963)
    Cesta hlubokým lesem (1963)
    Mykoin PH 510 (1963)
    Handlíři (1963)
    Král komiků (1963)
    Tři zlaté vlasy děda Vševěda (1963)
    Na laně (1963)
    Ikarie XB 1 (1963)
    Smrt si říká Engelchen (1963)
    Zelené obzory (1962)
    Půlnoční mše (1962)
    Chlapec a srna (1962)
    Kýč je když... (1962) (TV)
    Baron Prášil (1961)
    Ďáblova past (1961)
    Muž z prvního století (1961)
    Je-li kde na světě ráj (1961)
    Labyrint srdce (1961)
    Spadla s měsíce (1961)
    Pieseň o sivém holubovi (1961)
    Žalobníci (1960)
    Cirkus jede (1960)
    Holubice (1960)
    Vyšší princip (1960)
    Laterna magika II. (1960)


    Partyzánská stezka (1959)
    Kam čert nemůže (1959)
    Probuzení (1959)
    Vynález zkázy (1958)
    Muž mnoha tváří (1958)
    Uzel na kapesníku (1958) (krátký)
    Tam na konečné (1957)
    Nové světy (1957) .... výběr archivní hudby
    Míček Flíček (1956) (krátký)
    Z Argentiny do Mexika (1953)
    Afrika I., II. (1953)
    Poklad Ptačího ostrova (1952)
    Bojující Korea (1952)
    Pára nad hrncem (1950)


    Čína v boji (1949) .... s použitím motivů čínské hudby
    I andělé ztrácejí trpělivost (1949) (krátký)
    Výstraha (1949) (krátký)
    Noc kryje zločin (1948)
    Postel o 5 HP aneb Probuzení na ulici (1948) (krátký)

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  2. Wikipedia defines Home: "A home is a place where a person, family, or group of people live together. A home usually acts as a place to sleep and store personal property, and contains sanitary facilities and a means of preparing food".

    I am happy whoever uploaded this tidbit of information placed "usually" as a precursor to the brief examples of activities that take place within a domestic dwelling.

    It occurred this the week that 3 of my cultural obsessions of late all used 'home' as a basis for the work.

    These being:

    Graham Lambkin / Jason Lescalleet · The Breadwinner CD (Erstwhile Records)
    Frans Zwartjes - The Great Cinema Magician 2DVD (Moskwood Media)
    Jose Donoso - The Obscene Bird of Night Book (Verba Mundi)

    For what it's worth, i will give a brief rundown of all as these 3 items which have provided me many fine head scratching moments over the past 7 days or so...

    Graham Lambkin has been mentioned in previous posts, having made one of the more bewildering releases of 2007. I was looking forward to this collaboration with Lescalleet being another contemporary experimental human who released a recording which has long stored itself in my memory, this being the 2006 release "The Pilgrim". As is to be expected "The Breadwinner" further explores our duo's obsession with foreign sounds in the everyday.

    Subtitled "musical settings for common environments and domestic situations" the instrument of choice is Lambkin's own apartment which results in creaks, groans (the apartment itself?), objects within (spoon hitting glasses, food frying?) along with individuals within (snoring?). I could be wrong on all of these counts as most of the sounds are unidentifiable, either obscured by aesthetic choice or lost in obtuse fidelity. This release has none of the classical samples that made Salmon Run such a curve ball but strange atmosphere lurks throughout this disc. These are crude domestic recordings where the sound of the mic touching a surface is not removed or disguised and the editing is far from sophisticated in the traditional 'musique concrete' sense. It's a curious approach which is situated far away from the rest of the field recording crowd. The sounds collected are at once familiar and foreign. The first track "Listen, The Snow Is Falling" is a matter fact reference to a natural event but the actual result is less than straightforward. A record (opera?) is playing somewhere in the back ground, the sounds increase in volume artificially (?), there is a sense of this 'natural' event being something else altogether and this displacement is the key to why the 'music' these 2 are making is so curious and compelling. The listener is taken on a journey throughout the house exploring the sonic nuance within, the result is a perplexing collection of wonderful odd.

    Keith Whitman made a comment about this being an unusual release for Erstwhile records (a predominately improv record label) due to it's precise construction and post production. Erstwhile head honcho Jon Abbey then pointed out this not necessarily accurate and subsequently listed many releases which relied on studio manipulation of pre-recorded wares on his label. I think Keith maybe missed the angle whereby this seems unusual for Erstwhile being that it is so crude in it's recording and execution. There is no gloss and no sharp moves here, just a simple example of unusual sounds creating off-kilter atmosphere's based in a domestic setting. This 'no-fi' - 'low-tech' approach seems out of place amongst the recordings of Sachiko M, Keith Rowe etc...

    Maybe this lacks the immediate charm of 'Salmon Run' but this is not to say I won't be throwing this baby on the player to try and work how, what and why.

    LIVING (Frans Zwartjes, Netherlands, 1971, 16mm) "Living has an uneasy, indefinable atmosphere. This strange swaying of the camera and the music that keeps going on and on…"

    I admit to not having heard of Frans Zwartjes prior an entry posted on the consistently rewarding "Esotika Erotica Psychotica" blog. I was instantly curious and managed to get hold of a copy this week. The down side is that 1 disc in a 2 disc set does not have sound, a problem soon to be resolved (i hope). Disc 2 provided enough exposure to Zwartjes output to once again place upmost faith in Esoterica's explorations.

    Most of Zwartjes films are shot 'indoors', a single camera following human activities within these simple settings. Unusual camera movements dominate the form taking the viewer on a dizzying act of voyeurism. A couple of the films feature activities evoking the work of the VIenna aktionists, but whereby our Austrian friends were about embracing life and absolute freedoms to reach a higher plane of existence (or some such waffle) Zwartjes characters approach a level of detachment that is at once uncomfortable and completely engaging.

    How Zwartjes managed to capture such an intensely strange atmosphere in mundane dwellings is quite an achievement. The films usually feature himself and his wife (he was a teacher at a university and yes the dodgy cat fell for one of his students whom he thought very beautiful and subsequently put her in all kinds of strange scenario's in these films). The film itself looks beautiful, again this is raw, with no gloss, kind of like a photocopy which is 2 generations removed from the master. It provokes an otherworldly feel. Zwartjes music is incredibly powerful and bleak, organs, de-tuned guitars all add to a mood of di-orientation and uncertainty. It's good freaky shit and we recommend you check it out. I will not say so much as you, dear reader, are much better off seeing these with no prior knowledge to the details. Suffice to say they are pretty stunning examples of 20th Century experimental filmaking.

    The films should really be seen outside the failings of youtube as opposed to embedding these here is a short excerpt of our man Zwartjes noodling around with a piano:

    "Every man who has reached even his intellectual teens begins to suspect that life is no farce; that it is not genteel comedy even; that it flowers and fructifies on the contrary out of the profoundest tragic depths of the essential death in which its subject's roots are plunged. The natural inheritance of everyone who is capable of spiritual life is an unsubdued forest where the wolf howls and the obscene bird of night chatters". - Henry James Sr
    Intense shit written by way of advice/warning written by Mr James to his sons back in the day.

    "In the Casa de Ejercicios Espirituales there lived thirty-seven female inmates, five orphans, and a nun, Mother Benita, who looked after them. One of the young orphans, a fifteen-year-old girl called Iris Mateluna, became pregnant, and the old women in the Casa became obsessed with the idea that her pregnancy was to be a virgin birth".

    The Casa (house) in Jose Donoso's "The obscene bird of Night" is the only mainstay in a story which throws the reader through a variety of convoluted plot lines and schizophrenic first person narratives (at times a male character, a doll, a dog, sometimes in the came chapter). Despite the complexity and deliberate means of shifting the reader through a variety of perspectives this sucker is actually easy to follow and is a pretty darn engaging head fuck indeed.

    The book's plot has been described as such:

    "For many years, Don Jeronimo Azcoitia and his wife Inés are unable to produce an heir. Humberto Peñaloza, Don Jeronimo's secretary and the narrator of the story, is among the few witnesses of the monstrous existence of Boy, the couple's eventual child. With the help of Humberto, Don Jeronimo hides boy away in a walled community of freaks collected from circuses and street corners. His goal is to raise Boy in an atmosphere in which he will never learn to recognize his own deformities as abnormal. The experiment fails, and grotesquely. Humberto is transformed into a deaf/mute named Mudito and inhabits a decaying Casa with a handful of decrepit nuns and wayward orphans. Mudito is further transformed into an old sexless nun himself, then an infant, and finally returned to a womb of sorts. The shifting persona of the narrator (who addresses his story to a series of women), the jumbled chronology, and the mutability of legend, memory and folktale are among the many halucinatory qualities of the novel. The whole is nothing short of astounding, while the individual sentences (in this translation) are individually beautiful".

    Donoso was also completely unknown to me until a lazy day browsing the interweb i stumbled across somebody, somewhere singing his praises and simply had to follow this up. It took awhile to get this book, none of the 'reliable' stores here in London had this and amazon uk was out of stock and unsure when it would get again. A day trip to Brighton of all places lead to a quick stop by the local 'Waterstones' which not only had this on display on a table but also had the last 4 books i had read on the same display, somebody out there is mirroring my explorations in this seaside town!

    This book is so off my personal radar that i have gulped it up in record time. The style shifts from traditional, almost mythological prose to contemporary gutter trash aesthetics so swiftly and convincingly that it is hard not to marvel at Donoso's headspace when putting this sucker down. It's often freakish and always obsessed with dirt, blood, lying, cheating and various other 'wrongs'. The Casa is a haven whereby corruption, greed and general malpractise has rendered this abode disgusting and almost uninhabitable.

    "Home" is a strange concept at this point in time, not only as I am on the other side of the world to that which i am most comfortable and familiar but my immediate surrounds at this point in time seem very temporal. The concept of a firm base is abstract at best. Wikipedia goes on to discuss the psycological impact of home on a human:

    "Since it can be said that humans are generally creatures of habit, the state of a person's home has been known to physiologically influence their behavior, emotions, and overall mental health. For example, in the introduction to the film Patch Adams, home sweet home, the concept of "home" is compared to the human need for peaceful sanctuary, the absence of it thus leading to restlessness. Such restlessness, as can be seen by that particular case, may lead to depression and, ultimately, to a loss of sanity" !!

    Lambkin, Lescalleet, Zwartjes and Donoso have all managed to express their own version of "restlessness" whereby the "peaceful sanctuary" is ignored in favour of exploring the uneasy aspects of 'home'. I am not sure a loss of sanity has entered into this fray, but it's nice to indulge in such troubling works based around what is traditionally a comfortable setting.

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  3. Friday night I am sitting at home sharing a few beers with my mate Kaka. Kaka (Alex) is of Greek origin and has a burning desire to spend a portion of his life in this ancient land. Hence we hit the piss by way of farewell prior to his departure next weekend. It was fun, Kaka is a solid character, equal parts informed, passionate and ridiculous. At one point he had me in stitches when somehow we got on to the topic of The Sphinx and why it has no nose. He enthusiastically explained that the reason the Sphinx is noseless is due to Napoleon's troops taking 'pot shots' at the nose as a means of passing time in between conquering and looting, as a result of this consistent barrage, the nose fell off. This image made me laugh, bored troops looking around not knowing how to pass the time, seeing this ancient monument and for a laugh firing away carelessly at the nose!

    Really? I asked, yes, it's true Kaka told me.

    Alas, one quick google search and it seems our man Kaka is buying into a popular myth, one which has also blamed the British troops in WW1, the Mamluk's etc...

    The truth regarding the missing schnozz remains unknown. Although 9 out of 10 web pages prefer:

    "The Egyptian historian al-Maqrizi, writing in the fifteenth century, attributes the vandalism to Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr, a Sufi fanatic from the khanqah of Sa'id al-Su'ada. In 1378, upon finding the Egyptian peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest, Sa'im al-Dahr was so outraged that he destroyed the nose, and was hanged for vandalism. Al-Maqrizi describes the Sphinx as the “Nile talisman” on which the locals believed the cycle of inundation depended".

    All fine and good but I hereby vow to perpetuate the myth Kaka reported to me as I find this a drinking tale par excellence.

    With a tear in his eye and a trembling lip Napoleon looks proudly at the damage his troops inflicted upon the oversized stone cat human god thing.

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  4. Still ridiculous after all this time and not a computer in sight:


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