We are at the half way mark and things are getting kinda interesting for new music. Firstly the Billy Bao record and now this. I guess cats have been talking this sucker up in certain quarters which tweaked my interest in the first place. Well, 'it' arrived this week and suffice to say i am pretty damn impressed by the entire shebang. The package is straight up simple, just the cover image here. Nothing else. The music is bad trip low-fi damage with a heavy melodic bent crawling outa the murky abyss. Within this realm, this number is a gem indeed. The sounds are restless and foreign, occasionally a sound will appear to be familiar, a guitar is strummed a drum is beaten but often the murk and fog cover an semblance to 'normal'. This baby sits well amongst other 'bad trip' classics such has brainticket's 'Cottonwood Hill', Chrome's utterly unique 'Half Machine Lip Moves' or any of the early (Brandon Kearney) Caroliner Rainbow records for reckless experimentation in the name of melodic fortitude. This is quite simply top notch uncompromising spazz. I got this at the same time as the new Sic Alps record which by comparison seems totally straight and boring, this may change with time, but for now I cannot get enough of this demented treasure whilst the alps will have to wait in line for further attention. Time to hunt down the back catalogue me thinks.
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